
"The next lesson we learned was that if these ideas were ever going to amount to anything,
we had to get deeply involved ourselves." ― Robert D. Love 1960

Books, schools and libraries are all resources that assist us in the pursuit of EDUCATION.  And Education is how we reconcile Economy [our thoughts and actions] with Ecology [the environment in which we think and act].  Further your own education and
MAKE A DIFFERENCE ... keep reading !!

Engage Education by reading BOOKS

In 1960 a small group of families in Wichita KS got better acquainted with education as members of a small private school courageously started and single-handedly operated by a dedicated educator in memory of her son.  In time, that small group split off in an event that might be called evolutionary educational mitosis.

What do we mean by evolutionary educational mitosis?

Or ... to put it simply, those few families

Starting schools is as natural as starting families. And the result of starting just one school often reverberates across time as ... you guessed it ...  evolutionary educational mitosis.

With the dislocations and discontent provoked by COVID, the starting of new schools by small groups of families and teachers is once again becoming a cultural phenomenon which is making waves and headlines at many levels of society as it gathers momentum.

But did you know, as James Tooley explains in his latest book, that starting Really Good Schools has been quietly happening with astounding results among the global poor for decades?

Why not GET A BOOK and READ ALL ABOUT IT YOURSELF ... connect the past, present and future in an act of duty with reverence which are the aims of all education.

Share Education by starting SCHOOLS

The movement to share education by starting schools has actually been in place for decades in various forms under many names other than Horace Mann's common schools ... including Milton & Rose Friedman's School Choice initiatives,  John Holt's Growing Without Schooling, Raymond & Dorothy Moore's Home Grown Kids, Doug Wilson's Logos School and more recently the [Jeff] Yass Prize for Sustainable, Transformational, Outstanding and Permissionless [STOP] Education or ... our favorite ... James Tooley's Really Good Schools: Global Lessons for High-Caliber, Low-Cost Education ... to mention only a few of the many who have entered the fray.

The reason for the inevitable renaissance of "school starters" is that education is fundamentally bound up with the ecological family ... and every generation of every family in nature does it ... sometimes the same way as before and other times differently. This link between family and education has been probed in depth by the likes of professional educator Christopher Lasch in his books Haven in a Heartless World and Revolt of the Elites.  It was voiced simply by parent and school-starter Robert Love in his book where he warns us:

"Many modern institutions fail the public precisely because they do not operate from a solid philosophical base. [They] do not uphold any consistent, logical set of principles ... they prefer to keep their options open."

... then goes on to state the fundamentally local and ecological principle on which he believed a school should exist:

"Run it independently of everyone but students, parents and teachers. Period."

Pass Education on by supporting LIBRARIES

Libraries can help connect school starters with practical articles and resources on why and how to do what might otherwise seem impossible ... START YOUR OWN SCHOOLOf course, no single book can be everything to everyone, which is why libraries carry a multitude of books.  Here are a few themes to research in a good library and consider with others before you start your own school:

So ... if you want to get a quick start on why and how to start a school which operates inexpensively and builds on the natural educational strength and integrity of the ecological family ... then, perhaps, we at SunComLib can be of assistance. Why don't you just come and see?

We are home and you are welcome.